world died in 2004
Welcome to hellll!
":) EFF .
Here's how you can make bold and italic text: shove the mouse in your mouth and bite down hard.
Here's how you can add an image: take a pencil and skewer your eyeball like a marshmallow
Here is my list:
- 11/18/15: most of the vidya games coming out are complete shit. bethesda can't even program a game to run normally, which is very noticeable in fallout 4 when the frame rate halves, and the game acts schizophrenic. bethesda at this point should just give fallout back to the original creators so they can actually make a good fallout game that isn't a overglorified version of the last elder scrolls. Also, what the fuck is up with DICE and Battlefront? 4 maps? Seriously? the original games had about 20 maps, and quite alot of variety in modes. the new one has a very small amount of maps, the same modes as battlefield, and awful, awful gameplay.
12/5/15:well,nothing really intresting to say or anything like that, updated the pdf files to actually now download. as a gift for the holiday seasons, I'll be putting on 10 new pdf files for download (granted that neocities limit doesnt get me first). most of these books are classics, so Im sure there will be something for everybody. viva la lain
1/14/16: well, forgot about the pdfs. gonna be starting a review section or something like that soon. not sure what I'll be doing. we'll see what i decide to do. MAybe I'll get around to some new pdf files. who knows.